Tarım ve Orman Bakanı İbrahim Yumaklı, Tarım İşletmeleri Genel Müdürlüğü (TİGEM) Ceylanpınar işletmesinde Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü (TAGEM) tarafından geliştirilen buğday tohumunun ekimine katıldı.
Yumaklı, burada yaptığı açıklamada bakanlık bünyesindeki TAGEM’in geliştirdiği Ceyhan 99 ismini taşıyan buğdayı verimli topraklarla buluşturduklarını belirtti.
Yumaklı “Burada üretilen tohumlar Türkiye’nin dört bir tarafındaki üreticilere ulaşmış oluyor. Sertifikalı tohumu özellikle yaygınlaştırmakla ilgili bugüne kadar büyük başarı elde edilmiş. Bundan sonra da devam edecektir.” dedi.
Sorgun Barajı açıldı: 61 bin dekar araziyi suya kavuşturacak, 38 milyon kilovat saat elektrik üretecek
DC Link is a connection between a rectifier and an inverter. It acts as energy storage device between two stages. DC Link circuits are found in converter circuits or variable frequency drives (VFD). DC link capacitors, energy storage components in these circuits, are crucial in electric vehicles, serving as buffer between different power sources and loads, protecting systems from spikes and EMI. They play a key role in inverters and converters, keep voltage stable and absorb current ripples for efficient operations of systems. Today, advanced power electronics technology has spread the use of DC to AC converters, and DC link circuits are found everywhere.
DC Link is a connection between a rectifier and an inverter. It acts as energy storage device between two stages. DC Link circuits are found in converter circuits or variable frequency drives (VFD). DC link capacitors, energy storage components in these circuits, are crucial in electric vehicles, serving as buffer between different power sources and loads, protecting systems from spikes and EMI. They play a key role in inverters and converters, keep voltage stable and absorb current ripples for efficient operations of systems. Today, advanced power electronics technology has spread the use of DC to AC converters, and DC link circuits are found everywhere.